Omega MAT is going green!

As part of our ongoing commitment to sustainability and the environment, we are proud to announce that Omega-Multi Academy Trust has become a Planet Mark certified organisation. Having obtained such a prestige award, this also enables the next steps on our journey to reducing carbon footprint.
The Planet Mark is a sustainability business certification, which recognises continuous improvements and encourages businesses to take action in lowering their carbon footprint. As a certified organisation, the Trust will work closely with Planet Mark to work our way through a number of different levels of the accreditation process with the ultimate goal of reaching net zero.
Paul Haselden, Chief Finance & Operations Officer, said “Engaging with Planet Mark and being one of the first education establishments to achieve the accreditation not only supports our 'Trust Impact strategy' of Promoting Sustainability through the reduction of carbon footprint but strengthens trust with pupils, parents, employees and the wider communities we operate in".
The Planet Mark certification will help us start on our net zero journey by measuring our carbon emissions and committing to make realistic short and long term goals which will take us through three more levels of accreditation, eventually achieving net zero.
We will focus on power and water consumption, waste management and travel for business needs, across all of our schools and now have a carbon reduction target which will be worked towards the national net zero targets, with the help of Planet Mark and a number of different projects across our schools.