Strategic Governance

Our strategy is deeply rooted in the needs of our schools and their communities, ensuring their unique requirements are at the forefront of our decision-making. By aligning our objectives with these needs, we can effectively address the challenges faced by our schools and make a meaningful impact on their growth and success.

Our governance structure provides a solid foundation from which to drive accountability for school standards, whilst robustly managing risk and ensuring financial regularity, prioritising the welfare and wellbeing of our children and our staff. We employ a highly effective Governance Professional who, together with the Chair of Trustees ensures our governance structures operate effectively and strategically, equipping our governing boards and committees with the right balance of skills, knowledge and expertise necessary to execute their fiduciary duties with confidence. Our proactive approach allows us to be prepared for growth and ready to meet the evolving needs of our existing schools, with the scalability to support new schools as opportunities arise.

Governance Structure

Members are responsible for determining the general governance of the Trust. They approve our Articles of Association, agreed with the Department for Education, which sets out the details for our internal management, decision making and running of the Trust.
Members also appoint Trustees in accordance with the Articles of Association and meet annually as part of the Annual General Meeting.

Trustees focus on four core functions of governance and meet termly, in addition to the Annual General Meeting. They ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction whilst holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of our schools and their pupils, and the performance management of staff. Trustees oversee and ensure effective financial performance and management of strategic risk.

Trustees meet as a Board of Trustees, as well as through three key sub-committees; the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee, a Standards & Safeguarding Committee and a Capital Projects Committee. Each committee meets termly.

Each school has a Local Governing Body (LGB) and local governors serve as a key link between the schools, parents/carers and the local community. They monitor the performance of the school, advising the Trustees of any concerns. Each LGB meets every half-term.

All Members, Trustees and Governors complete an annual declaration of business interests and declare any pecuniary interests within meetings.

Our Scheme of Delegation identifies the key decision-making roles for establishments within Omega Multi-Academy Trust. It determines the functions undertaken by the Board of Trustees and which have been delegated to its committees, the Chief Executive Officer/Central Executive Team, Local Governing Bodies and the Headteachers of individual schools. Our Terms of Reference details the scope and limitation which  have been delegated to the various committees.

To view all our Governance Documents please click here