Creating a better place to live and learn is the focus of Omega Multi-Academy Trust pupils who are working hard to protect the environment and care for the world we live in.
The Eco Team at Park Road Community Primary School has been formed as part of the school’s Leaderships Teams which this year also include a Happiness Team, Sports Crew, and an Innov8 team.
Eco Team members work together to try to make their school and the community a better place by thinking about the environment and how it helps us all.
As part of their ongoing work the children visited Live Wire in Great Sankey to take part in a community litter pick for Earth Day. They collected lots of rubbish which had been dropped and helped make the area much cleaner.
So far this year they have also made their own bird feeders, completed a litter pick in the local area, and before half term organised a 'Big Dig' in school where parents, carers and the local community were invited into school to help prepare the school grounds for the summer.
The group have also arranged for enrichment this term to be focused on creating a Park Road Flower Show. Each class will design a flower bed around a theme and present it as an entry.
In preparation, the group have visited White Moss Garden Centre to learn more about plants that are good for bees, butterflies and insects and how we can help animals such as hedgehogs, birds or squirrels.
The Trust is so proud of the work the Eco Team has been doing, not just for the school, but also the local community.
Great work team!